Jul 30, 2009

Web Usage Mining

Web Usage Mining: Whenever anyone logs on to a web site the user's access information like time spent on the site, links visited, geographical location from where accessed etc are stored in the log file of the website. These data can be mined to discover user access patterns for the site. The site can then be redesigned to maximize hits and better user experience like having the most accessed link to be available on the front page of the site. This also provides patterns which can be used to run successful ad campaigns on the site.

Jul 24, 2009

Web Mining

The WWW has revolutionize the way in which people interact, carry out their works and gather information. It has proved itself to be a useful interface for its users to carry out such activities with ease. With hundreds of millions of people around the world using it a huge pile of data are collected everyday. These data carries interesting insights on the way people interact with it. Web Mining is the process of using various data mining techniques to analyze and discover patterns from the data.

Jul 11, 2009


OLAP and OLTP are two of the most common words in the world of database. However the differences between the two are not well understood. OLTP and OLAP refer to Online Transaction Processing and Online Analytical Processing respectively. The word "online" is common to both and highlights that both the systems are capable to carry out certain things almost instantaneously.

The OLTP systems are used to register the transactions occurring in real time. In a retail shop the buying information needs to be instantaneously recorded by the salesman during any purchase of goods. OLTP systems allow such transactions to be carried out within a very short span of time. Hence to process any kinds of transactions OLTP systems are used.

It is not worth anymore to merely store the transaction data. We need to carry out various operations on those data to get the real picture of various aspects of the business. Reports generated based on these data are crucial part of the Decision Support System(DSS). However such complex operations on large volume of transaction data makes the report generation very slow and puts extra load on the OLTP system in use. So to overcome these limitations OLAP are used. OLAP enables data to be stored in multidimensional forms which is often called OLAP cube. OLAP cube ensures very fast retrieval or analysis of data.